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Appointing Jared Kushner is ILLEGAL. [Script for Calling Your Reps]

Up until today, the President-Elect's business conflicts have been unprecedented in their poor presidential form, and put him at risk of impeachment under the Constitution's Emoluments clause if they develop while in office, but they haven't been expressly illegal.

The appointment of one's relative, however, is not a matter of good sportsmanship or a question of personal judgement. It is 100% illegal under the Anti-Nepotism Act 5 U.S. Code § 3110 and Antideficiency Act 1 U.S.C. § 1342. The following is a script with which to call or email your Representatives. Don't wait. Allowing the President-Elect to break the law renders checks and balances moot and puts our very democracy at stake.

1. Find your representatives: Enter your zip code to find contact information for your congressional representatives: You can also find your senator here:


Hi, I'm [NAME] from [PLACE] and I'm calling to express my opposition to the appointment of Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner to an advisory position on Monday. As you know, this is expressly illegal under the Anti-Nepotism and Antideficiency Acts.

[IF CALLING A REPUBLICAN] Allowing the President-elect to commit crimes for the sake of placing party over country puts the freedom you have sworn to protect at risk. Please do the right and legal thing and stand against the President-Elect on this matter, and all other attempts at breaking US law.

[IF CALLING A DEMOCRAT] This is not the time to be agreeable. Allowing the President-elect to commit one crime opens the door to others, and places the freedom you've sworn to protect at risk. Please speak up behalf of the American people and our democracy today to stop this appointment.

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