Follow the Money is a nonpartisan coalition focused on ensuring that the President-Elect’s business dealings don’t put our nation’s sovereignty, security, or economic viability at risk. We don’t care who you voted for or your political stance on any issue besides the President’s duty to put his country first.
We believe focusing on the money is the best way to stay vigilant in tracking behavior from the President-Elect or his team that suggests an unconstitutional overreach of power, as well as the clearest way to garner support from both sides of the aisle.
The concept is simple: each time the President-Elect’s business dealings present a conflict that might prevent him from choosing to put the best interests of the country first, we write a letter. Then you, the constituents, email (or, preferably, snail mail) that letter to your representatives urging them to take action. We’ll write a separate letter for each minute conflict that arises; we hope you’ll send each one out, too, to produce a flood of concerns our elected officials cannot ignore. You can also find geographically specific action items under the local page.
If you want an email reminder each time we post a new letter template, sign up for our mailing list below. Or if you've got a tip or letter to share, email us.
When they go low, we go to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
In $olidarity!